Reach more passive candidates through people they listen to

Companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to attract top talent and expand their reach beyond traditional recruitment methods. One strategy that has gained significant traction is leveraging influencers to distribute job opportunities. Flockity, an influencer marketing platform for jobs, is at the forefront of this trend, offering a unique solution to help companies tap into the power of influencer networks.

By partnering with Flockity, companies gain access to a curated pool of influencers who have been carefully vetted in their respective professions. These influencers boast engaged followings and credibility within their industries, making them valuable ambassadors for job openings.

What sets Flockity apart is its ability to drive unparalleled traffic to career sites. During the beta phase, Flockity achieved an impressive 97% net new traffic to career sites, highlighting the effectiveness of leveraging influencers in job distribution strategies.

So, how does it work? Flockity connects companies with influencers whose audience demographics align with the desired candidate profile. Whether it's tech professionals, marketing experts, or healthcare workers, Flockity has influencers representing diverse fields ready to share job opportunities with their networks.

The impact of influencer-driven job distribution extends far beyond traditional channels. Unlike job postings on job boards or company websites, influencer-shared opportunities come with a personal touch and endorsement from trusted sources. This not only increases visibility but also enhances the perceived value of the job among potential candidates.

Moreover, influencer marketing for jobs opens doors to untapped talent pools. Many passive job seekers may not actively browse job boards but are more likely to come across opportunities through their social networks. By leveraging influencers, companies can reach these passive candidates and entice them with compelling job openings they might have otherwise missed.

Expanding your job distribution strategy to include influencers through platforms like Flockity can revolutionize your recruitment efforts. With access to vetted influencers and the ability to drive significant net new traffic to career sites, companies can stay ahead in the race for top talent while tapping into previously untapped candidate pools. It's time to embrace the power of influencers in recruitment and unlock new possibilities for your organization's growth.


On building credibility with passive candidates


Distributed job distribution to reach more talent